What’s Your Worth?

There are certain employees who are worth their weight in gold, and there are others who should be thrown to the curbside.  Which are you, you ask?  The more cherished employee, of course, reflects a higher value to the employer.  The latter of the two shows up for work, completes the job, and no more.

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What Does It Take To Change Careers?

Switching from a military to a civilian career is a big step. It also can be extremely difficult. Military officers may be highly qualified for many business positions. However, their backgrounds are so different from those of typical executives that employers often can’t tell if — and where — they’d fit.

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Are Tech Certifications Worth the Steep Cost?

Despite the hiring slowdown in the information-technology field, thousands of IT professionals and wannabes are banking on certifications to boost their careers. Computer professionals use certifications as yardsticks of their skills in hopes of better jobs and higher pay. Employees in other fields may be lured by the thought that computer certifications might help them

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Online Q&A On Financial Advisor Careers

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management is the wealth management division of Bank of America. The firm is headquartered in New York City, and occupies the entire 34 stories of the Four World Financial Center building in Manhattan. Merrill Lynch employs over 15,000 financial advisors and manages $2.2 trillion in client assets. The firm has its origins in Merrill

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