Newest Professions, Growing Salaries

The latest directory of job titles from Occupational Information Network (O*Net) features a variety of new entries that many people have never heard before. Some of these jobs — at least the duties — have been around in some form for a while. What’s new is a “professional pathway” for these careers, according to employment

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The Power of Saying Thank-You at Work

It’s the time of year when we gather with friends and family to give thanks for the good things in our lives (and to stuff ourselves with turkey and other goodies). But gratitude can also be helpful in another important setting: the workplace. Famed business leader and author Dale Carnegie believed that “the big secret

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Strategies for Making Your Dream Job a Reality

Fantasies can come true. Just ask Ann Krcik, a rock climber who dreamed about quitting her marketing-operations job to work with fellow adventurers in the great outdoors. She made the leap by launching a Salt Lake City, Utah, firm that represents “extreme” athletes, signing them up to appear in commercials, and as models and motivational

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Moving From the Military Into a Civilian Job

Switching from a military to a civilian career is a big step. It also can be extremely difficult. Military officers may be highly qualified for many business positions. However, their backgrounds are so different from those of typical executives that employers often can’t tell if — and where — they’d fit. To start with, military

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Get Career-Changing Experience By Temping

By payroll size, the biggest U.S. employer isn’t General Motors Corp. or Wal-Mart Stores. It’s Manpower Inc., a temporary services firm in Milwaukee, which employs 760,000. Manpower sends all types of employees into companies to fill temporary roles ranging from traditional filing and typing to complex computer, marketing or finance positions. Because these jobs aren’t

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Why Changing Careers Doesn’t Have to Be Painful

Are you happy with your chosen profession? Only about half of all U.S. adults are satisfied with their jobs, according to several recent surveys, so there’s a good chance you’d like to try another career. There’s an equally good chance that you don’t know how to change career direction without major pain and disruption. But

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Crib Sheet: Your Guide To Money and Happiness Studies

Confused by recent headlines about money and happiness? Here’s a quick cheat sheet summarizing recent academic studies on the link between the two. Relative income and happiness Summary: While the rich are generally happier than the rest of us, your income compared to your peers is a stronger predictor of happiness. The higher the income

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Some employers may not ask for references and others will routinely call your past employers with or without your permission. The references we will discuss include those you voluntarily submit to a prospective employer. In selecting these references, use the following criteria:

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Self-Assessment is the process of determining where you’ve been, where you are, and where you are going by examining your current needs, your personal strengths and your personal weaknesses. Once you have identified these factors you can begin to build a career roadmap.

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Making connections at work

Q: I’m considered a loner at work. The problem is, I don’t really want to be. I’d like to be one of the gang, but I don’t know what to do to build closer relationships. It’s always been kind of hard for me, but now that I’m in the workforce it’s even worse. What can

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The Beginner’s Guide To Personal Branding

If you’re a job seeker who’s been on the market for quite a while, you may wonder why you’re not getting hired. Is it your resume, your appearance, your interview skills, or something else? Manpower, a global staffing agency, recently released their Talent Shortage survey, which details the professions currently encountering a skills gap. The

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New Grads: How To Negotiate With Confidence

When we talk about “negotiating”, most of us think that there is always a financial factor involved. That’s true, but there is something more: respect and value. The fact that we might not have the seniority/experience does not mean our ideas are not good. Did Mark Zuckerberg have 10 years of experience when he created

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6 Benefits of Workplace Conflicts

A Little Debate & Disagreement Among Team Members Can Actually Lead to Better Results Conflict Isn’t Always Bad While conflict is often viewed as something to be avoided at all costs, that is not necessarily the case. It’s a fact that conflict is, at some times, inevitable in every relationship. Fortunately, however, conflict is not

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6 Ways to Positively Motivate Your Employees

Employers Must Know Their Workers to Understand How to Get the Best Out of Them Employee motivation is vital to the success of any business. Without it, even the most skilled and capable workers can become unproductive, at which point the entire organization suffers. As an employer, you’ll need to manage your employees’ morale —

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