How to be a Contender in a Job Interview

You’ve ended up with a job interview, congratulations, you now have a chance to charm a prospective employer face-to-face.  Job interview is the most essential task within the employment seeking course of action.  Employment interviewing by no means appears to get any simpler – even if you go on much more job interviews than you

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10 Ways to Avoid Being Hired

If you’re looking for a job, you have likely seen plenty of articles explaining exactly how to favorably impress the right people. However, it’s apparent that there are many unique characters who are job hunting but do not really want to get hired. If this sounds like you, look no further for useful ways to

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Your Job Search Can Be A Hard-Fought Campaign

In a recent edition of The Wall Street Journal, columnist Gerald Seib wrote that the campaign against terrorism is “slow and hard for good reason.” After spending a day providing advice to participants in a job fair in Fort Worth, Texas, I sensed that the nation’s other war — getting America back to work —

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Three Keys to Acing Sales-Job Interviews

You’ve sent your resume to numerous employers for account-management roles. The phone rings, and you have an in-person interview for a sales role at a top company. First, congratulations on your upcoming interview. More importantly, in this competitive environment, how do you prepare? Every day I coach candidates on techniques to help them ace their

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If You Don’t Stand Out, Consider a Career Change

If you haven’t had a promising interview in the past six months, you should consider the possibility that you aren’t a top candidate. In this job market, it isn’t good to be anything but a top candidate. Hiring managers who have openings are besieged with resumes, many from outstanding candidates. So if you aren’t outstanding,

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Building Credibility: Key for a Fast Start

Having changed employers and roles several times over the course of my career, I’ve learned that getting off to a fast start in a new position hinges on building credibility in the new role. To do so, you need to deliver early but enduring results. Planning your first few weeks on the job is the

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Strategies for Making Your Dream Job a Reality

Fantasies can come true. Just ask Ann Krcik, a rock climber who dreamed about quitting her marketing-operations job to work with fellow adventurers in the great outdoors. She made the leap by launching a Salt Lake City, Utah, firm that represents “extreme” athletes, signing them up to appear in commercials, and as models and motivational

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