How to Handle Criticism

It’s bound to happen eventually, no matter how good you are at your job: somebody is going to criticize they way you do things. The way you react to that criticism, and others like it, can have a real impact on your career. Here are few tips for taking criticism and making the best of it.

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Complete List of English Power Words

Power words, or action verbs, are words used to help make a statement stronger. By using action verbs, you can assume an “active voice” instead of a “passive voice” on your resume. Properly incorporating power words into your resumes, letters and other correspondence can help convey strong writing skills and increase the strength of your

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What’s Your Worth?

There are certain employees who are worth their weight in gold, and there are others who should be thrown to the curbside.  Which are you, you ask?  The more cherished employee, of course, reflects a higher value to the employer.  The latter of the two shows up for work, completes the job, and no more.

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Surviving Competency Based Interviews

If you think that job interviews are an art rather than a science you’re not alone – most interviewers would agree.However, a different kind of assessment, the competency-based interview, is becoming increasingly popular because many think it’s more accurate and reliable than the traditional job interview we all know and love.

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5 Bad Habits To Avoid While Interviewing

Something extremely important for job seekers to keep in mind when interviewing for any position at any level within a company are their behaviors and their manners.  It is vital that job seekers put their best foot forward when they are interviewing for jobs.  Some executive level people may refuse to fill out an application form when

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Interviews are all about your confidence level

I was remembering this weekend when I was hunting for a job years ago and wasn’t that confident in myself.  I was sitting in the lobby of a company and they were doing back to back interviews.  Because they were back to back interviews, I knew that the people interviewing candidates would be tired and

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Guide To Personal Development

It is time to take your problems into your own hands. No one can help you better than yourself. Are you dealing with bullies or a difficult relationship? Part of the problem could come from how you carry yourself. Read these tips to find out how you can feel better about yourself and be accepted

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How To Take Your Memory To The Next Level

If you have to study for a test or learn a new skill, or you just want to regain your former memory power, you probably will benefit from learning about some strategies to improve your memory. This article contains several helpful tips for boosting your ability to remember important information. Read on to learn how

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