Smart Risks vs. Foolish Risks

Playing it safe with your career may seem smart. But to really get ahead, you may need to take some risks. “Nothing gives your career a boost like succeeding at a risk,” says Sheila Wellington, author of “Be Your Own Mentor” and a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. “It helps you

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Ceiling Busters: 4 Paths to Career Advancement

Hitting a career plateau can be unsettling and disappointing. You know you’ve hit a plateau when you’ve gone as far as you can in your job and you find it unchallenging and well below your earning expectations. Continuing education can be a real tonic. By adding a certification or advanced degree in your field, you

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10 Ways to Avoid Being Hired

If you’re looking for a job, you have likely seen plenty of articles explaining exactly how to favorably impress the right people. However, it’s apparent that there are many unique characters who are job hunting but do not really want to get hired. If this sounds like you, look no further for useful ways to

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(ARCHIVE) The Reliability and Validity of a Direct Writing Assessment Program

Abstract This series of three case studies describes a program of applied research on writing evaluation conducted in a large utility company. Two of the studies employed represented workers as subjects while the third utilized management employees. Reliability of ratings was examined several ways, including generalizability analysis, coefficient alpha, and Pearson r. Validity of writing

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Follow Your Calling To the Perfect Position

At some point in our lives, we come to a place where we long to uncover our mission — a lifelong assignment that evolves from deep within our soul. My father, the son of a New England minister, described one’s mission in life as a “calling.” A calling isn’t exactly a job; that’s something you

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Getting to the Bottom Of CEO Compensation

Since markets turned shaky, a new round of jawflapping about the unseemliness of executive compensation practices has gathered steam. One business magazine that shall remain nameless even called it “The Great CEO Pay Heist.” Of particular fanfare was Apple’s bestowal on Steve Jobs of a stock-option package valued at $548 million. Something clearly has come

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Your Job Search Can Be A Hard-Fought Campaign

In a recent edition of The Wall Street Journal, columnist Gerald Seib wrote that the campaign against terrorism is “slow and hard for good reason.” After spending a day providing advice to participants in a job fair in Fort Worth, Texas, I sensed that the nation’s other war — getting America back to work —

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Get Management Advice From an Unlikely Source

Maybe it’s the English major in me, but over the years I’ve derived more practical wisdom and guidance from the world’s great works of literature than from self-help, career and management advice books. I’m an employment counselor by vocation. I’m no snob — I glean words to live and work by wherever I find them.

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Three Keys to Acing Sales-Job Interviews

You’ve sent your resume to numerous employers for account-management roles. The phone rings, and you have an in-person interview for a sales role at a top company. First, congratulations on your upcoming interview. More importantly, in this competitive environment, how do you prepare? Every day I coach candidates on techniques to help them ace their

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