How to Handle Criticism

It’s bound to happen eventually, no matter how good you are at your job: somebody is going to criticize they way you do things. The way you react to that criticism, and others like it, can have a real impact on your career. Here are few tips for taking criticism and making the best of it.

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What Not to Say in an Interview

Interviews are always pretty difficult. You’re nervous. You don’t have a lot of personal space. You’re forced to answer multiple questions back to back with no time to rest. And your whole professional future seems to depend on this one tiny thing. Terrifying! So it’s easy to understand why so many interviewees depend on cliches

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(ARCHIVE) The Reliability and Validity of a Direct Writing Assessment Program

Abstract This series of three case studies describes a program of applied research on writing evaluation conducted in a large utility company. Two of the studies employed represented workers as subjects while the third utilized management employees. Reliability of ratings was examined several ways, including generalizability analysis, coefficient alpha, and Pearson r. Validity of writing

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Get Management Advice From an Unlikely Source

Maybe it’s the English major in me, but over the years I’ve derived more practical wisdom and guidance from the world’s great works of literature than from self-help, career and management advice books. I’m an employment counselor by vocation. I’m no snob — I glean words to live and work by wherever I find them.

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Salary Negotiating Tips

Many people fail to understand the process of salary negotiation. It is not simply demanding more money for your services. Communication, preparation, trust, a mutual understanding of each party’s position and willingness to compromise are the key ingredients of successful negotiations. In the end both parties must believe they have reached an agreement that serves

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New Grads: How To Negotiate With Confidence

When we talk about “negotiating”, most of us think that there is always a financial factor involved. That’s true, but there is something more: respect and value. The fact that we might not have the seniority/experience does not mean our ideas are not good. Did Mark Zuckerberg have 10 years of experience when he created

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4 Attainable Skills To Add To Your Resume

Whether you are currently out of work and looking for a new job, or are unhappy in your present position and want to find something that is more to your liking, you have probably been paying some attention to your resume. While you have some job experiences that are definitely marketable, you might be wondering

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Tips for Negotiating Salary with Your Employees

Employers benefit from having both formal performance review and compensation review cycles. Many companies have a semiannual performance review cycle. One of the two reviews often coincides with the normal annual salary review while the other is used sparingly for special or off-cycle salary adjustments. This formal process is helpful because it allows the employer

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Can You Fire Employees for Being Sick?

Question: Three weeks before my scheduled date of resignation, I got sick. After spending a Friday in the hospital and the rest of the weekend at home, I told my supervisor I expected to be in by the following Friday at the latest. She then told me I would be laid off because I had

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5 Ways to Weed Out Unqualified Applicants

Save Time During the Hiring Process by Spotting Red Flags Early Find the Right Candidate Today’s job market is very tight with many more job hunters than available jobs. For businesses, the good news is it’s a buyer’s market. But at the same time, it can be overwhelming to sift through the mountain of resumes

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6 Ways to Instantly Boost Employee Morale

Tips for Improving Your Office Environment Quickly & Efficiently Don’t Let Morale Get Too Low Workplaces go through a myriad of changes including adjusting procedures, hiring, firing and promoting employees, obtaining new clients and adding or removing products and services. The nature of your company’s environment can influence employee morale in the workplace. Low employee

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