Follow Your Calling To the Perfect Position

At some point in our lives, we come to a place where we long to uncover our mission — a lifelong assignment that evolves from deep within our soul. My father, the son of a New England minister, described one’s mission in life as a “calling.” A calling isn’t exactly a job; that’s something you

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Getting to the Bottom Of CEO Compensation

Since markets turned shaky, a new round of jawflapping about the unseemliness of executive compensation practices has gathered steam. One business magazine that shall remain nameless even called it “The Great CEO Pay Heist.” Of particular fanfare was Apple’s bestowal on Steve Jobs of a stock-option package valued at $548 million. Something clearly has come

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Your Job Search Can Be A Hard-Fought Campaign

In a recent edition of The Wall Street Journal, columnist Gerald Seib wrote that the campaign against terrorism is “slow and hard for good reason.” After spending a day providing advice to participants in a job fair in Fort Worth, Texas, I sensed that the nation’s other war — getting America back to work —

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Get Management Advice From an Unlikely Source

Maybe it’s the English major in me, but over the years I’ve derived more practical wisdom and guidance from the world’s great works of literature than from self-help, career and management advice books. I’m an employment counselor by vocation. I’m no snob — I glean words to live and work by wherever I find them.

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Three Keys to Acing Sales-Job Interviews

You’ve sent your resume to numerous employers for account-management roles. The phone rings, and you have an in-person interview for a sales role at a top company. First, congratulations on your upcoming interview. More importantly, in this competitive environment, how do you prepare? Every day I coach candidates on techniques to help them ace their

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Get Career-Changing Experience By Temping

By payroll size, the biggest U.S. employer isn’t General Motors Corp. or Wal-Mart Stores. It’s Manpower Inc., a temporary services firm in Milwaukee, which employs 760,000. Manpower sends all types of employees into companies to fill temporary roles ranging from traditional filing and typing to complex computer, marketing or finance positions. Because these jobs aren’t

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Free Time Is Elusive For Many Free Agents

Despite the corporate layoff announcements piling up, the overall employment picture is still quite healthy. What better time to go into business for yourself? If you’ve yearned for the freedom of being your own boss, be warned: Experienced independent professionals will tell you that there’s little that’s “free” about being a free agent.

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Five Practical Ways To Change Careers

One reason many people find it difficult to change careers is they think they have to do it in one big leap. Another is simple inertia — it’s easier to stay with the familiar pain of doing what they don’t like than brave the unknown. But you don’t have to change careers in one fell

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What’s Keeping You From Changing Careers?

So many people aren’t happy, fulfilled or even moderately satisfied with their work. The constant changes taking place in companies, including the temporary nature of jobs that were once relatively permanent, create a stressful work environment in which it’s difficult to feel satisfied, let alone happy.

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Are Tech Certifications Worth the Steep Cost?

Despite the hiring slowdown in the information-technology field, thousands of IT professionals and wannabes are banking on certifications to boost their careers. Computer professionals use certifications as yardsticks of their skills in hopes of better jobs and higher pay. Employees in other fields may be lured by the thought that computer certifications might help them

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Why Changing Careers Doesn’t Have to Be Painful

Are you happy with your chosen profession? Only about half of all U.S. adults are satisfied with their jobs, according to several recent surveys, so there’s a good chance you’d like to try another career. There’s an equally good chance that you don’t know how to change career direction without major pain and disruption. But

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What It Really Means To Work for Yourself

Jane started her career as a promising architect with a large international architectural firm. After winning a prestigious award to design a cultural center in Japan, she was quickly promoted to associate. Now she’s been with the firm for 12 years and is under pressure to become a partner.

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Crib Sheet: Your Guide To Money and Happiness Studies

Confused by recent headlines about money and happiness? Here’s a quick cheat sheet summarizing recent academic studies on the link between the two. Relative income and happiness Summary: While the rich are generally happier than the rest of us, your income compared to your peers is a stronger predictor of happiness. The higher the income

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Salary Negotiating Tips

Many people fail to understand the process of salary negotiation. It is not simply demanding more money for your services. Communication, preparation, trust, a mutual understanding of each party’s position and willingness to compromise are the key ingredients of successful negotiations. In the end both parties must believe they have reached an agreement that serves

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