Sample Resume Objective

When to Use a Resume Objective Resume objectives are perfect when applying for a specific position at a company. Objectives should always be about the employer and their needs, not yours. It is important to remember that the objective, located at the top of your resume, is a quick “sales pitch” that the employer can

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What’s Your Worth?

There are certain employees who are worth their weight in gold, and there are others who should be thrown to the curbside.  Which are you, you ask?  The more cherished employee, of course, reflects a higher value to the employer.  The latter of the two shows up for work, completes the job, and no more.

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Is That Your Real Phone Number and Email Address?

Something I don’t see often but do remember coming across when I was hiring were resume submissions that had fake email addresses and phone numbers on them.  The problem with this is that when you want to interview them, you cannot reach them and they lose out on possibly being hired.  The Applicants either mistyped

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How to be a Contender in a Job Interview

You’ve ended up with a job interview, congratulations, you now have a chance to charm a prospective employer face-to-face.  Job interview is the most essential task within the employment seeking course of action.  Employment interviewing by no means appears to get any simpler – even if you go on much more job interviews than you

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What Does It Take To Change Careers?

Switching from a military to a civilian career is a big step. It also can be extremely difficult. Military officers may be highly qualified for many business positions. However, their backgrounds are so different from those of typical executives that employers often can’t tell if — and where — they’d fit.

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Why Changing Careers Doesn’t Have to Be Painful

Are you happy with your chosen profession? Only about half of all U.S. adults are satisfied with their jobs, according to several recent surveys, so there’s a good chance you’d like to try another career. There’s an equally good chance that you don’t know how to change career direction without major pain and disruption. But

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Tips for Negotiating Salary with Your Employees

Employers benefit from having both formal performance review and compensation review cycles. Many companies have a semiannual performance review cycle. One of the two reviews often coincides with the normal annual salary review while the other is used sparingly for special or off-cycle salary adjustments. This formal process is helpful because it allows the employer

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