Sample Resume Objective

When to Use a Resume Objective

Resume objectives are perfect when applying for a specific position at a company. Objectives should always be about the employer and their needs, not yours. It is important to remember that the objective, located at the top of your resume, is a quick “sales pitch” that the employer can use to quickly identify key candidates. Tailor your message to adhere to this principle, and an Objective can be a powerful section on your resume.

If you are not applying to a specific position, or are passing around your resume at a career fair, then the importance of a resume Objective diminishes. If you do choose to use an Objective, make sure you write it in such a way not to limit your options!

Who Should Use a Resume Objective 

People short of relevant experience, entry level candidates, people changing careers, mothers returning to work — any type of person who could gain from making a stronger case based on their existing work experiences (or lack their of) can benefit largely from having a properly written resume objective.

If you are applying for a specific position, it is also appropriate to use a resume objective.

How to Write a Resume Objective

The most important thing to remember when writing your objective is to not use personal pronouns (my, me, mine, I, etc). Keep this about them, not you. Keep it short and to the point, clear and concise.

What are the employers needs for the position? What are your strengths relative to those needs? Match their needs with your ability to fulfill them.

Sample Resume Objectives


A [position] where [skills] can [benefit for company]


For an entry level marketing position: 

A position in the marketing field where superb communication skills and organization can help increase profitability.

For a change in careers:

A Systems Engineer position where excellent analytical problem solving skills and a strong work ethic can enhance Widget Co’s bottom line.



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